Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

NiHao from (not so sunny) Florida!

NiHao from Sunshine-less Florida! This is the first beach vacation that we've taken without sun! What's it like with two kids, a hubby who has barely had a day off in six months, and a restless waiting mom? Not so pretty!

Only kidding! We are trying to make the best of it. We have a really, REALLY nice condo on Ft. Myers Beach, and we are enjoying being together. It's rained all day today. There is a non-tropical low that's formed in the eastern Gulf of Mexico that's really been kicking up some downpours and thunderstorms. When you plan these trips months in advance, the weather is the one thing that you can't really depend on. You plan and hope the weather is sunny. If not, you make lemonade out of lemons.

Here are a few pics from our first (sunny) afternoon here:

Shelby finds starfish in the tidal pool at low afternoon tide

Shelby explores the tidal pool at low afternoon tide (ALWAYS the explorer!)

David chills while Shrek looks on! (I thought the photo looked strange with Shrek's one eye peering from the towel!)


"T" said...

Hope yall don't get cloud burn.. Just Kidding. You can still have fun in the rain. Your going to get wet one way or another. Have a great time.


Mom 2 six said...

Looks lovely !